Suruluna prides itself in working with other rescues and shelters by taking in and helping the dogs who most consider “harder to place,” “issue dogs” or dogs who just do not do well in a shelter environment. The Tortorella Foundation believes Suruluna is doing great things to help these well-deserving dogs and has agreed to match funds up to $10,000 in total donations to put in new shelters at their facility!
“At Suruluna, we provide them with enrichment training and give them love,” said director/founder Anna Cilento. “They learn what it means and feels to be a dog again, to run, play, learn, trust and have human companionship … they are all good dogs! And we are grateful to be able to help them thrive.”
The requests for dogs who need a special place rapidly increased, and Suruluna can do so much more with these “homes.”

Alfredo is just one of the many dogs at Suruluna. More living space for dogs like Alfredo means MORE dogs live.
“We have dogs who arrived in terrible shape phisically and mentally, and we have helped them to be healthy, beautiful and joyful,” Cilento said. “We have seen older dogs now acting as happy puppies, fearful dogs who have learned to trust human beings again, and lonely ones who have opened their hearts to love and human attentions.”
In order for Suruluna to continue its mission, it needs this additional housing space. So they’ve set up a Gofundme campaign and are asking for support to raise the funds needed to purchase custom made kennels, each equipped with the comforts & coziness of living in a home. They will allow the dogs to live in serene and peaceful conditions which are great for stressed out and nervous dogs.
Please consider making a donation, click here.