Pictured is an outdoor kennel, purchased by Suruluna with help from the Tortorella Family. Suruluna is an organization that’s goal is the take hard-to-place shelter dogs and spend more one-on-one time training and playing to prepare them for a new home!
Suruluna is an organization that takes the most difficult-to-place dogs — those who were destined to be euthanized or are considered “difficult to adopt” — and brings them to their facility to give them an even better chance of finding a home!
Anna Cilento, the founder of Suruluna, is taking even more dogs into the facility these days, due in part to donations and support of the Tortorella family and others like them. Anna, a dog trainer, works and plays with the dogs, preparing them for placement into new homes.
“We want to help them to overcome their difficulties and especially those issues that in a shelter would never be solved,” Anna said.
Some of these dogs are the best dogs ever, once they are out of the shelter environment, Anna said, but someone has to give them a chance and teach them a few different behaviors. Anna’s goal in becoming a trainer was just that, and now with Suruluna she can make a difference for more of them.
The Tortorellas recently helped fund summer kennels for the dogs. In the future, Anna hopes to make Suruluna a “home-like” environment with boarding structures unlike those at a shelter kennel but more like someone’s living room, so the dogs can start to integrate into a home environment.
Follow Suruluna on Facebook at, www.facebook.com/suruluna or visit their website at www.Suruluna.org for more information, to adopt or to make a donation to Suruluna.