Last week (early October 2015) Adopt Me Animal Rescue in Wisconsin was contacted about helping a dog and not just any dog. This dog was hidden away in the back of the shelter in North Carolina. No hope, no chance, no home, no one to care for her. She was simply awaiting euthanasia.
It was Tuesday, and at this particular shelter the Adopt Me crew is well aware of what happens on Tuesdays. Tuesdays are days that the ‘left over’ dogs who couldn’t get adopted are then taken away from this world. Adopt Me and a large group of animal lovers and rescue angels work week after week to get every single dog out of that shelter and help them back into this world to find loving homes.

Laya waits helplessly, hopelessly in “the back.” Still she gets rescued by Adopt Me Animal Rescue in Wisconsin!
A ‘dog in the back’ means the dog doesn’t get a chance to live without rescues. It means they can’t get put on the adoption floor (most likely for some medical issue), so if some rescue can’t come in and scoop her up she doesn’t have a chance at getting out. Adopt Me rushed to get her out. She has no teeth, what is left in her mouth is broken, or ground down to the gums. She had a large mass on her belly. She is emaciated. Covered in fleas, starved and sick. They knew there would be vet bills, but they had no idea how much it would take.
After finding a foster to give her a place to stay and getting her out of the shelter we got her into the vet (sponsored by The Tortorella Foundation’s Bear’s Angels Program). She was uncomfortable from the mass and sick from what was going on inside her body.
Still she wagged her tail. The vet explained that she has a hernia the size of a cantaloupe on her belly. She has most likely had this for quite a while. The vet explained than many of her organs were now in this hernia. Her intestines, most likely her bladder, etc.
Laya had an expensive surgery, sponsored by the Tortorella Foundation. They opened her up much like an exploratory surgery, removed her organs and anything in the hernia that should not be in there, and closed the hernia so that the intestines, bladder, etc. can’t fall back into the hernia. They can’t remove the hernia, but by removing her organs from the hernia and closing her back up the problems should decrease. She should be in less pain, should be able to eat regularly and gain weight and become healthy again.
Despite Laya being uncomfortable, being sick, having all her problems, she is a wonderful, loving little girl! Laya is the perfect example of a wonderful dog who was given a second chance at having a good life and a loving family. Bear’s Angels is designed specifically for dogs like her, who would have otherwise been left behind if not for the loving, dedicated angels (like Adopt Me Animal Rescue).
UPDATE: Laya is doing very well and will get her stitches out soon! Here are some updated photos of her with her foster family.