Ulysses is another of the SPCA of Westchester’s Happy Tails! Pictured is a Ulysses with his new family, riding shotgun!
Ulysses came in as a stray to the SPCA of Westchester and he had scars all over him. One of possibly the worse hack jobs on his poor ears — they were cropped so badly that he hardly had ears anymore, so he was constantly getting ear infections. He was a very calm and cool dog — he just kinda went with the flow and was real mellow. Because of his ears and scars, many people were nervous around him as it gave him a harsh look. The staff at the SPCA, however, thought he was beautiful. Still people worried he had been abused (which he most likely was), so they didn’t want to take a chance on him. Little did they know he was a big mush! It took about a year, but he finally found an awesome home with someone who really wanted to help a pitbull like him that they knew would keep getting passed over in a shelter.
As you can see he enjoys cruising in the car with his shades on now haha!