Myah, a young lady from the Columbus, Ohio area received special recognition from John & Christine Tortorella and The
Tortorella Family Foundation in December of 2016. We honored her with the first ever Bear’s Angels Kindness Award for her efforts to raise money to support animal welfare. While Myah set out to help animals for her birthday, she also wanted to show others how we can all do our part to help others – 2 or 4 legged! Myah, through baking and selling dog treats, raised over $1000 for the Tortorella Foundation’s programs, most of which she raised at the foundations Cups for Pups Event in September 2016 in Columbus Ohio at Nationwide Arena. The foundation would also like to send out a special thanks to Myah’s assistant/mother Kate Dobbs. Kate not only helped Myah raise the money for the foundation, but Kate and her staff helped the foundation with the Bear’s Angels Cups and Pups event that raised nearly $10k for animal rescue/support efforts.
The foundation is working with Columbus area rescue groups to help improve the quality of life for homeless animals. The Tortorella Foundation is so grateful for the Dobb’s family’s dedication to animal welfare.

Myah with her award.